Cours:TP printempsM4209 TP 2c Corr

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Ceci est le corrigé du TP [ Réalisation d'un affichage HH:MN. Nous ne donnons que le code source de "lcd16x2_ctrl_demo.vhd", le fichier "lcd16x2_ctrl.vhd" étant inchangé.

-- Title      : Synthesizable demo for design "lcd16x2_ctrl"
-- Project    : 
-- File       : lcd16x2_ctrl_tb.vhd
-- Author     :   <stachelsau@T420>
-- Company    : 
-- Created    : 2012-07-28
-- Last update: 2012-07-29
-- Platform   : 
-- Standard   : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: This demo writes writes a "hello world" to the display and
-- interchanges both lines periodically.
-- Copyright (c) 2012 
-- Revisions  :
-- Date        Version  Author  Description
-- 2012-07-28  1.0      stachelsau      Created

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity lcd16x2_ctrl_demo is
  port (
    clk    : in  std_logic;
    lcd_e  : out std_logic;
    lcd_rs : out std_logic;
    lcd_rw : out std_logic;
    lcd_db : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 4);
	 led_out : out std_logic);

end entity lcd16x2_ctrl_demo;


architecture behavior of lcd16x2_ctrl_demo is
  component CounterBCD is
    port( EN: in std_logic;
 	   Clock: in std_logic;
 	   Reset: in std_logic;
	   ENO : out std_logic;
 	   Output: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
  end component CounterBCD;
  component CounterModulo6 is
    port( EN: in std_logic;
 	   Clock: in std_logic;
 	   Reset: in std_logic;
	   ENO : out std_logic;
 	   Output: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
  end component CounterModulo6;
  signal timer : natural range 0 to 5000000 := 0;
  signal eno10Hz, s_eno, s_eno2, s_eno3 : std_logic := '0';
  signal line1 : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
  signal line2 : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
  signal s_data16 :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal s_eno2_heure : std_logic_vector(16 downto 8);
  signal s_reset : std_logic;
  -- component generics
  constant CLK_PERIOD_NS : positive := 20;  -- 50 Mhz

  -- component ports
  signal rst          : std_logic;
  signal line1_buffer : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
  signal line2_buffer : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);

begin  -- architecture behavior

  -- component instantiation
  DUT : entity work.lcd16x2_ctrl
    generic map (
    port map (
      clk          => clk,
      rst          => rst,
      lcd_e        => lcd_e,
      lcd_rs       => lcd_rs,
      lcd_rw       => lcd_rw,
      lcd_db       => lcd_db,
      line1_buffer => line1_buffer,
      line2_buffer => line2_buffer);

  rst <= '0';

  -- see the display's datasheet for the character map
  line1(127 downto 120) <= X"20"; 
  line1(119 downto 112) <= X"20";
  line1(111 downto 104) <= X"20";  
  line1(103 downto 96)  <= X"20";  
  line1(95 downto 88)   <= X"20";  
  line1(87 downto 84)   <= X"3";
  line1(83 downto 80)   <= s_data16(15 downto 12);
  line1(79 downto 76)   <= X"3";
  line1(75 downto 72)   <= s_data16(11 downto 8);
  line1(71 downto 64)   <= X"3A"; 
  line1(63 downto 60)   <= X"3";
  line1(59 downto 56)   <= s_data16(7 downto 4); 
  line1(55 downto 52)   <= X"3";
  line1(51 downto 48)   <= s_data16(3 downto 0);  
  line1(47 downto 40)   <= X"20";  
  line1(39 downto 32)   <= X"20";  
  line1(31 downto 24)   <= X"20";  
  line1(23 downto 16)   <= X"20";  
  line1(15 downto 8)    <= X"20";
  line1(7 downto 0)     <= X"20";

  line2(127 downto 120) <= X"20";
  line2(119 downto 112) <= X"20";
  line2(111 downto 104) <= X"20";
  line2(103 downto 96)  <= X"20";
  line2(95 downto 88)   <= X"20";
  line2(87 downto 80)   <= X"20";
  line2(79 downto 72)   <= X"20";
  line2(71 downto 64)   <= X"20";
  line2(63 downto 56)   <= X"20";
  line2(55 downto 48)   <= X"20";
  line2(47 downto 40)   <= X"20";
  line2(39 downto 32)   <= X"20";
  line2(31 downto 24)   <= X"20";
  line2(23 downto 16)   <= X"20";
  line2(15 downto 8)    <= X"20";
  line2(7 downto 0)     <= X"20";

  line1_buffer <= line1; -- when switch_lines = '1' else line1;
  line2_buffer <= line2; -- when switch_lines = '1' else line2;

  -- timer 10 Hz
    if rising_edge(clk) then
      if timer = 0 then
        timer <= 5000000;
        timer <= timer - 1;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  eno10Hz <= '1' when timer = 0 else
  MNUnit: CounterBCD port map( 
    EN => eno10Hz,
 	 Clock => clk,
 	 Reset => '0',
	 ENO => s_eno,
 	 Output => s_data16(3 downto 0));
  MNDiz: CounterModulo6 port map( 
    EN => s_eno,
 	 Clock => clk,
 	 Reset => '0',
	 ENO => s_eno2,
 	 Output => s_data16(7 downto 4));
  HHUnit: CounterBCD port map( 
    EN => s_eno2,
 	 Clock => clk,
 	 Reset => s_reset,
	 ENO => s_eno3,
 	 Output => s_data16(11 downto 8));
  HHDiz: CounterBCD port map( 
    EN => s_eno3,
 	 Clock => clk,
 	 Reset => s_reset,
	 ENO => open,
 	 Output => s_data16(15 downto 12));	 	 				
-- reset quand 23 est detecte	par rebouclage
    s_eno2_heure <= s_eno2 & s_data16(15 downto 8);
    with s_eno2_heure select
	   s_reset <= '1' when "100100011",
                 '0' when others;				
end architecture behavior;

library IEEE;
entity CounterBCD is
   port( EN: in std_logic;
 	 Clock: in std_logic;
 	 Reset: in std_logic;
	 ENO : out std_logic;
 	 Output: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end CounterBCD;
architecture Behavioral of CounterBCD is
   signal cmpt: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	signal s_en_cmpt: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
begin   process(Clock,Reset)
      if(rising_edge(Clock)) then
		  if Reset='1' then
         cmpt <= "0000";
 	      elsif EN='1' then
	         if cmpt="1001" then
	           cmpt <= cmpt + 1;
	         end if;
         end if;
      end if;
   end process;
   Output <= cmpt;
	s_en_cmpt <= en & cmpt;
   with s_en_cmpt select
     ENO <= '1' when "11001",
            '0' when others;
end Behavioral;

library IEEE;
-- pour les dizaines de minutes
entity CounterModulo6 is
   port( EN: in std_logic;
 	 Clock: in std_logic;
 	 Reset: in std_logic;
	 ENO : out std_logic;
 	 Output: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end CounterModulo6;
architecture Behavioral of CounterModulo6 is
   signal cmpt: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	signal s_en_cmpt: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
begin   process(Clock,Reset)
      if(rising_edge(Clock)) then
		  if Reset='1' then
         cmpt <= "0000";
 	      elsif EN='1' then
	         if cmpt="0101" then
	           cmpt <= cmpt + 1;
	         end if;
         end if;
      end if;
   end process;
   Output <= cmpt;
	s_en_cmpt <= en & cmpt;
   with s_en_cmpt select
     ENO <= '1' when "10101",
            '0' when others;
end Behavioral;